We have been given a clear earthly assignment, to make disciples. So here’s our strategy: Help strangers to God identify themselves with Him and become fruitful servants of His Son. This doesn’t happen in an instant – although there may be some big leaps along the way. It is a life-long process, a journey.
The Faith logo captures this idea. The journey begins when we embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior by faith. From this starting point, all who have come to Jesus begin their walk by growing – They become like Him. And as they do, they begin to bear much fruit in Jesus’ service.
At faith, we don’t cram everyone into a one size fits all experience. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, we want to help you take your next step. We can help you start your journey at the right place, encourage you to grow in Him, coach you in His service, or assist with all three.
So if you are new to Faith Baptist, here are some key “next step ministries” that will help you get your Faith journey started off on the right foot.